Creative Tag

SEO and Google My Business Page

SEO and Google My Business Page is something that needs to be done correctly. It is something that one should really take their time with completing. Or, you could have a professional do this for you. It might be well worth the small expense. The outcome will pay for itself for years to come. That is if Google remains consistent in how they serve up...

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SEO and checking your rank placement

SEO and checking your rank placement is easy, right? Sure, just put your search in google, right? Well, that is fine in the beginning. But, after a few times you may not be getting an accurate reading. The reason is that google keeps tabs on every search you do. So, once you do the same search several times then you may not be getting the...

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Ongoing quartely SEO copy writing

Ongoing quarterly SEO copy writing is definitely a very good idea. That goes for any business that is attempting to arrive at a top spot for searches of relevant keywords. Google like new copy. They actually prefer it if you blog 2 times a bay to the same site. More if you want to. The longest I would wait to install new verbiage is every...

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Responsive Websites

Responsive websites are crucial in today's market. This term means that your website looks good to potential customers and that the search engines like it too. It must look good on all devices that are currently in use around the world. But mostly here in the US for all practical purposes. Responsive websites are a must to be mobile friendly. In fact, you can use...

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There are several ways to make a nice looking website. You can even make a site for free using some free platforms that are out there on the world wide web. A nice looking website is wonderful. In fact, the site needs to be appealing to the visitors so they are interested enough to stay long enough so that you have a chance to convert...

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People love good visuals. You want to make the site appearance appealing. It is not enough to just have good visuals but remember they are very important to engage the potential customers long enough to make them want to read some content on your site and hopefully contact you or make a purchase while they are there. Installing some video might help in some cases....

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If you are wondering about website optimization techniques then this might be a good article to read. There are many published methods for accomplishing this daunting task. On one hand it is not an easy thing to accomplish. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing then you might be able to get a top ranking with the major search engines over...

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